Introducing eBay Authenticate: The anxiety complimentary way to use eBay

Over the years, a lot more and a lot more reseller sites have popped up catering to the designer bag market, but none are as much of a household name as eBay. eBay has been the place to choose the majority of pre-owned bag buyers and sellers alike over the years, so much so that we have an entire section of our forum dedicated to talking about eBay shopping. because of that, one of the greatest draws on our forum has been authenticators, who help other members avoid counterfeit products—one of the greatest worries when getting resale fashion.

eBay has followed this trend and recently started eBay Authenticate, a way to get and sell luxury handbags without the worry and hassle that lots of have felt in the past. eBay Authenticate is twofold: it assists both the buyer and the seller, guaranteeing the buyer that the bags included in the eBay Authenticate program are authentic, while also enabling sellers to offer peace of mind about their products to potential buyers.

I have to be honest: eBay, for me, has always been kind of overwhelming. I am a creature of habit, one who likes to make sure that what I’m doing will wind up with me feeling like I made a good, responsible choice. For some, the extra steps required to authenticate a bag before they purchase might feel like solving a puzzle, but for others (like me) it can feel daunting. eBay Authenticate takes that away and makes the experience easy, seamless, and stress-free.

In buy to really understand how eBay Authenticate works, I purchased not one but two bags. I went to the eBay Authenticate store and scrolled through pages of stunning bags, each with an authenticity guarantee that made me right away feel at ease. I scrolled through brands like Louis Vuitton and Chanel, and wound up finding a really terrific Chanel bag. then I did the same and found a Gucci Dionysus Bag, a bag that I had lusted after but never purchased. Both items had ‘Authenticity Verified’ indicator on the product providing page on eBay to indicate that the items are part of the program. The Chanel bag was priced well and made clear disclosure of its wear level, which was minimal. I clicked “purchase.” The Gucci bag already had a bid, so I placed a higher bid and enjoyed as the auction ticked down and I won.

I sat at home and waited for the bags to arrive, and when they did, I was thrilled by the packaging. eBay Authenticate uses an experience. the box was new with eBay tape around it, letting me know my new designer bags were inside. inside I found a triple-layered matte black box, and inside there is where I found the bag. eBay Authenticate packs the bags as though they are vulnerable and precious, and the experience of unboxing exceeded my expectations.

The bags also had an eBay dust bag as well as a great added touch of an eBay branded thank-you notice, again guaranteeing the bag itself. The bag also had an eBay safety identify attached to the hardware. I feel completely confident with these purchases; I don’t have any worries about the bags, and because of that, this experience was as seamless as could be.

If you’re a member of our forums, you know there is so much discussion about eBay. lots of people use our forums to have knowledgable brand experts authenticate a bag for them. I always knew this (or a paid for authentication service) was at my fingertips, but I never used it. I enjoyed hundreds of thousands use it across our sites, leading them to learn about the bag they were lusting after. I think one of the greatest worries for any luxury handbag buyer when it pertains to eBay is the idea of authenticity, and this program alleviates those fears. eBay understands that when it pertains to the luxury bag market, there are questions, and eBay Authenticate makes you as a buyer feel exceptionally comfortable with your purchases. I know I haven’t felt any worries about these bags. and that peace of mind is worth every dollar!

If you are a seller, you can easily sell through eBay Authenticate with expert authentication and uncomplicated earning. eBay Authenticate uses one of the lowest fees on the verified resale market at 10%, so the seller receives 90% of the selling price. (That’s a limited time discount rate until September 30, 2018, after which 20% fees are examined on the selling price.) If you want to learn a lot more about selling, you can read about it on the seller information page.

The eBay Authenticate program generally focuses on the secondary market with pre-owned inventory. You can check out all of the items for sale ideal now.

While we haven’t officially announced the upcoming giveaway of these two terrific bags yet, you can sign up now to make sure your name is on the list. Don’t miss out on the official announcement in the coming weeks.

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